David Atlas

David Atlas is the new project from veteran engineer, producer, musician and studio owner David Jerett Fulton. Sensing the urge to create high vibe, uplifting and contemplative music, two volumes were born in a spirit led month long writing and production journey.

The Ambient Gospel series is a tribute to the most high : recognizing the gift it is to create with our creator and to bring peace and joy to others through music. David Atlas plans to release at least 2 new volumes each year going forward.

Ambient Gospel Volume 1 was highly influenced by his new friend Norah, a beautiful soul from Kenya who had been teaching him Swahili , thus some of the song titles such as “Baraka Tele” which means “more blessings” .

Ambient Gospel Volume 2 is a guided sonic journey through the 9 elements that make up the complete fruit of the spirit. Perfect for walking, sleeping, meditating and connecting with the ultimate source of life.


